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Kidnap & Ransom Insurance Coverage

Kidnapping insurance coverage in Los Angeles, California, USA

We demystify Kidnap and Ransom insurance coverage and have flexible underwriting to make it easier for individuals, families and businesses to obtain. We have premium financing options to make the coverage affordable and available in all 50 States with focus in California, Nevada, Texas, Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia, and New York. If you want the best Kidnap & Ransom insurance coverage in Los Angeles, California, USA, you’ve come to the right place! We seek to consistently do our level best for our policyholders.

Kidnapping Ransom and Extortion are rackets that funnel billions of dollars to global terrorist networks and criminal organizations all over the world. Such events most often come at the highest price as the deal is usually a huge payment to release the subjected victim, or they face further violation, torture, psychological damage, and potential loss of life. Kidnap insurance is very important and begins with crisis and hostage negotiation when the policy is triggered by a kidnapping event. The ransom demand is typically made only in the event that the victim is freed safely from further harm, additional kidnaping re-patriation expenses may also be covered. Kidnap insurance can protect affluent, wealthy or famous individuals or families, as well as business enterprises with executives that have international exposure. Policy exclusions do apply and differ between plans and carriers. If this makes sense to you, let’s please continue the conversation, call Norman today (323) 931-1420

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Kidnap & Ransom coverage in Los Angeles, California, USA

The insurance policies mainly cover death caused due to ransom, black mailing loss of payment or amount during transit, settlements which are made during the process, defence expenditure and other related expenses are also included. Our kidnap insurance in Los Angeles, Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Inglewood, Downey, Whittier, Compton, Gardena, Santa Monica, and Covina & California covers the following –

  • Death happened after the kidnapping or bodily injuries which occurred to the victim
  • )Demanding ransom or extortion of payment
  • Hijack and extortion against certain items like properties and people.
  • Insurances covers certain crises management as well.
  • The insurances cover negotiation services
  • And emergency services and helplines are also available for 24 hours
  • The insurance also covers hostage situations
  • It also covers for wrongful detention of the victims.
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K & R Insurance Policy in Los Angeles, California, USA

People travelling to certain foreign countries highly require the K&R insurance policy. Rich people and wealthy people with high net worth are preferable for the K&R insurance. Kidnap and ransom insurance negotiator will reimbursement, but the victim must pay the ransom first with their own money before it can be refunded. Kidnap and ransom policy covers ransom payment, and medical expenditure.


If an individual travel frequently to foreign lands, then the person definitely need the kidnap and ransom insurance policy to prevent themselves from suffering a loss during such crises. The main targets of the kidnapers are basically wealthy businessman, CEO of various big companies and their families for extracting huge amount of money. Working professionals travelling to foreign countries for official purpose, tourist journalist, NGO workers are in need of an immediate K&R insurance. Kidnap and ransom coverage is often added among the cooperate portfolios, as it is considered as important for the safety of the employees. Different multinational companies use it for employees who travel to different areas of the country where kidnapping is a major issue. Individuals who are rich and from affluent background basically purchase these kind policies for their safety because these policies are highly expensive and basically can be afforded only by the affluent people. Excessive damages which are caused due to terrorism, extortion, and wrong detention can be covered too in these insurance policies.

Kidnap & Ransom coverage in Los Angeles, California, USA

Generally, the natives of the US, should avoid travelling to various different countries that appear in red in the US state department as these countries poses a great threat to them. The United State government has strictly advised their natives not to travel to those places or countries as their kidnap and ransom policies will not cover these particular areas and which will cause a huge trouble for them. However, K&R insurance could be worth the expense when actual kidnapping takes place. A kidnap and ransom claim can go up to thousands of dollars. Many insurance companies have come up with the different K&R policies. These policies basically try to cover the financial loss that happened due to kidnapping, extortion and huge ransom demands. There are some benefits of kidnapping and ransom insurances like –


  • The policy covers claim against kidnapping, extortion, and threats.
  • The K&R policy provides claim for an individual person or business, company owners, employees of the companies and their families can also be included under this insurance policy.
  • There is a 24-hour emergency helpline for reporting any such disheartening incidents.
  • If the policy holder goes missing for almost thirty-six months, and the body of the person is also not found then the nominee gets the death benefit of the policy.


Insurance companies allow individual or organization dealing with the crises only to contact the insurance companies, once it is safe for the individual to do so. Most insurance companies recognized that the threatened person or businesses are often warned not to reach out to officials or higher authorities, so maximum companies allow this clause in their policies. The most kidnapping insurance policies covers injuries, threats received for killing, for destroying properties, disclosing private or confidential information in exchange of a huge ransom amounts is a most covered clause in the insurance policy. However, a ransom amount is not directly paid by the insurer, the employer or the family members has to pay it first to the kidnappers, once the crises is over, the company will reimburse the policy holder for the ransom amount and other expenses which are related to the crises.

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#1 Kidnap and Ransom insurance company in Los Angeles, California, USA

Our Kidnap & Ransom insurance coverage team in California provides round the clock support to ensure hassle-free Kidnap and ransom insurance claims throughout Los Angeles, Glendale, Pasadena, Burbank, Inglewood, Downey, Whittier, Compton, Gardena, Santa Monica & Covina. So, if you are looking for a K & R insurance company that works with utmost transparency & provide easy claim facilities in California, look no further than Active Shooter Insurance.

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Complete Coverage

Total Peace of Mind: Complete Coverage from Laurence Taylor Insurance Services

  • NO Terrorism exclusions
  • NO Employee exclusions
  • NO Causalities threshold
  • NO Vehicle exclusion
  • NO Drone exclusion
Preferable Classes

Preferred Protection: Classes Covered by Laurence Taylor Insurance Services

Preferable Classes are a great choice for anyone looking for insurance coverage for their school, university, house, hotel, retail store, or manufacturing plant. With Laurence Taylor Insurance Services, you can rest easy knowing that your property and assets are protected in case of any unforeseen events. Whether it’s damage from a natural disaster, theft, or liability issues, we have you covered. Our team of experts will work with you to tailor a policy that meets your specific needs and budget. Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact us today to learn more about our insurance options for these preferable classes.

  • School & Universities
  • Houses of Worship
  • Restaurants & Hotels
  • Retail Establishments
  • Manufacturing Plants
Application information

Streamlined Application Insights: Laurence Taylor Insurance Services

  • # of Employees
  • # of Students/Patients
  • # of Location
  • # of Years in business
  • # Hours of operation
Active Shooter Training
  • Client Focused
  • Individual Training
  • Corporate Training
  • Certification Program
  • Online or Onsite


The FBI has defined an active shooter as “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.”

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines workplace violence as “any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the worksite.” The workplace violence can range from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide.

Workplace violence and active shooter incidents continue to increase and evolve. Comprehensive coverage paired with in-depth employee training and support is essential to ensure individuals and organizations are the utmost prepared.

Spanning ideologies and unpredictable locations, these incidents are usually in crowded public areas and aim to create maximum panic. They can include:

  • Workplace violence
  • Disgruntled employees, customers, guests, students, volunteers or parishioners
  • Hostage situation
  • Active shooter

EAP: Emergency Action Plan

It is important to properly implement and promote an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). The effectiveness of any workplace violence program that includes active shooter preparedness is greatly enhanced in an organization with an active, well-known EAP presence. Agencies with active programs promote the EAP by issuing periodic statements from top management endorsing the program and reminding employees of the services offered by the EAP; having counselors attend staff meetings to familiarize agency employees with the counselors; having counselors give special briefings and seminars for managers, employees, and union stewards;

Violent workplace events take place anywhere at anytime. Laurence Taylor Insurance Services offers Organizational Training where, the employees learn how to improvise, adapt and overcome during an active shooter event. Workplaces or organizations should conduct active shooter drills to update their Emergency Action Plan. This reinforces that an active shooter incident is a foreseeable event and the workforce is prepared both mentally and physically. Organizational training helps them to think on their feet and respond accordingly to the situation.


Active Shooter incidents are turning out to be progressively recurring instances in the news nowadays. In such a large number of cases, the assailants can incur mass injury and loss upon the  public before they can be stopped.It is a lamentable reality that presently, business and individuals should find ways to safeguard themselves from silly demonstrations of brutality like gun violence and mass shootings. Organizations and public administrations are particularly in danger and can be considered responsible for getting their clients and employees.

Each target group has different training needs. For example, members of the general public are less likely to attend formal training and could be exposed to essential information through posters, brochures, or radio and television spot announcements. Employees would benefit from briefings and participation in active shooter drills. On-site law enforcement/armed security, as well as external responders, would benefit from hands-on scenario-based training; knowledge of the facilities’ physical features such as entrances, exits, and construction features; and knowledge of and familiarity with the capabilities of the internal security force.

Why we are the best in business?

Our certified instructors are fully trained professionals prepared as per Department of Homeland Security guidelines and standards. They are industry experts with years of experience and knowledge in their given fields, with unique preparedness for Active Shooter incidents.Coming from world class foundations as previous US military Special Ops and Police with degrees and accreditations, these certified instructors, through our program, will guarantee that your workers get the information and preparing to incredibly work on their survivability in case of an Active Shooter incident occurs.

At Laurence Taylor Insurance Services, the training is provided by certified and potential instructors who are totally qualified to offer active shooter training solution. They aid you in understanding the surrounding better and teach some really crucial life-saving skills that come handy while someone faces the active shooter or a violent situation upfront. This makes the workforce more confident during such incidents and increases the survival rates immensely.

Individual Training

A major component of any active shooter program or plan is preparedness. The individual training program focuses on measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of violent behavior leading to active shooter incidents; as well as mitigate the impacts of violent behavior in should it occur.

Training and exercises are the best activities to help prepare personnel to react quickly and effectively in emergency situations. When considering training options for establishing awareness and providing appropriate responses to the threat of an active shooter, the institution and the authorities should conduct a thorough review to identify the best training approach for their facility occupants.

During an active shooter situation, the natural human reaction is to be startled, feel fear and anxiety, and even experience initial disbelief. You can expect to hear noise from alarms, gunfire and explosions, and people shouting and screaming. Training provides the means to regain your composure, recall at least some of what you have learned, and commit to action. A trained individual will more likely respond according to the training received and will not descend into denial, while the untrained will more likely not respond appropriately, descend into denial and helplessness, and will usually become part of the problem.

Training and support can include, but is not limited to:

  • Workshops and services

– Corporate reviews

– Security risk/crisis management policies and plans

– e-learning

  • Ongoing support

– Threat assessments including post incident support

– Behavioral assessments

– Site surveys including security staff SOPs

– Emergency management plans

– Incident management training/simulated incidents

An active shooting incident can catch anybody off-guard. However, the key here remains how one reacts during such circumstance. As these situations are completely unpredictable, one has to be prepared to respond in the correct manner to it. However, this does not mean preparedness pertaining to physical aspects but mental as well. Individual Training makes one more aware of their surroundings to ensure the response is beneficial enough to save lives. Laurence Taylor Insurance Services offers Active Shooter Training which is client focused and held both online or onsite.
