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During a quiet lunch reception for the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church, a man approached and opened fire, on Sunday the 15th of May, 2022, at around 1:30 PM. The Southern Californian Church had not seen such grievous crime whilst a worship session at the House of God.

The Active Shooting at the Geneva Presbyterian Church situated in the city of Laguna Woods, Orange County suburb, has shaken the Leisure World retirement community, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department as well as the people in the area. The attempted homicide case is enraging the citizens and is being spread like fire to the whole of USA. This is due to the population involved in the case, as most of the people in the Church included the senior citizens of the area, ranging from people in their 60s to 80s.

The Heinous crime has left five injured while one was found dead, in the holy church. The brave parishioners at the church subdued the Church perpetrator and shooter named David Chowby stopping him and then hog-tying him till the sheriff’s officials arrived.The people have tagged this as an ‘Exceptional Heroism’.The gunman, David is said to be from Las Vegas, Nevada. The reason of the attack is still not very clear as he was a fellow Asian trying to gun down other Asians at the Church.

The people all around the area had presented their deep condolences to everyone at the church. This Active Shooting has left a lot speechless due to the reason being unclear. People are also trying to stay on guard for such future attempts to better control such situations. With such incidents, it is important that one has the top Active Shooter Insurance like that offered by the Top Insurance Providers by Laurence Taylor.




After a deadly shooting at Sacramento, Six people were found dead with twelve injured, on 3rd April’s Sunday morning.
As reported by CCN US, Dandrae Martin, 26, was identified as a suspect in the Sacramento Mass Shooting case. He was taken into custody by the Sacramento police and booked on charges of assault with a firearm and for possession of a loaded firearm. He is not been charged with homicides in relation to the Sacramento Shooting.

Amongst the injured, Smiley Martin, 27, was also there, who is a kin toDandrae Martin. He was booked on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm by a prohibited person and possession of a machine gun. It was also learned that he arrested on the 4th of April. Police also informed that it was a shootout between rival gangs where five people fired more than a hundred bullets and documents have also indicated of Smiley’s involvement in the bloodbath. Police has also stated that he seems to have fired 28 of those hundred bullets shot at the time of the Mass Shooting.

On the 4th of April, 2022 another 31-year-old person was also arrested on illegal possession of a firearm. He was seen carrying a gun after the shooting by the police, although he has not been charged directly for the Sacramento massacre.
With the fast moving investigation, it is said that the victims of this terrible crime are sure to get a justice with accomplished attorneys and proficient police team, it will be an achievement to punish the perpetrators of this gruesome crime.




New York Times reported a shooting incident on the 12th of April, 2022. A man was reported to have set off smoke grenades in a crowded subway car and then had also opened fire. The police has named a ‘person of interest’ relating to this incident. 23 people were injured during this incident and the policy is on the lookout for this ‘person of interest’.The police has also informed that he had left some disturbing videos online.

The New York subway was said to be already struggling and now with the Brooklyn shooting the use of the subway is said to be a little slower than expected. Subway Service will be resuming on the 36th Street after the police investigation. The mishap took place five miles from the 36th Street Station. The Shooting is said to have involved only one Syrian Immigrant. The tragedy has injured nearly 24 people amongst whom 5 have been reportedly in a very critical situation. He is said to have fired 33 shots, after which he fled.

The suspected person is said to be a 62 year old male, named Frank R. James. The police said that the suspect had rented a U-Haul van in Philadelphia which was found with a key inside, along with a collection of belongings on the train that they believe belonged to the gunman. This also included a Glock 9-millimeter handgun, three ammunition magazines, a hatchet, fireworks, and liquid that is believed to be gasoline.

The Suspect had appeared to have posted numerous videos on YouTube, where he stole from news events in unnecessary spiteful spouts. He also blamed black women related to any violence among black people and Russia’s invasion to Ukraine as evidence that whites are genocidal.



After a deadly shooting at Sacramento, Six people were found dead with twelve injured, on 3rd April’s Sunday morning.

As reported by CCN US, Dandrae Martin, 26, was identified as a suspect in the Sacramento Mass Shooting case. He was taken into custody by the Sacramento police and booked on charges of assault with a firearm and for possession of a loaded firearm. He is not been charged with homicides in relation to the Sacramento Shooting.

Amongst the injured, Smiley Martin, 27, was also there, who is a kin to Dandrae Martin. He was booked on charges of being a felon in possession of a firearm by a prohibited person and possession of a machine gun. It was also learned that he arrested on the 4th of April. Police also informed that it was a shootout between rival gangs where five people fired more than a hundred bullets and documents have also indicated of Smiley’s involvement in the bloodbath. Police has also stated that he seems to have fired 28 of those hundred bullets shot at the time of the Mass Shooting.

On the 4th of April, 2022 another 31-year-old person was also arrested on illegal possession of a firearm. He was seen carrying a gun after the shooting by the police, although he has not been charged directly for the Sacramento massacre.

With the fast moving investigation, it is said that the victims of this terrible crime are sure to get a justice with accomplished attorneys and proficient police team, it will be an achievement to punish the perpetrators of this gruesome crime.







The unfortunate incident of Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting took place on December 14, 2012 in the school by the same name located in Newtown, Connecticut, USA. This incident shook the entire nation.

According to the Center for Victim Research Repository, there have been 2,409 more mass shootings in the United States since the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012, and approximately 200 of these have been in schools such as the Parkland Shooting. They use the definition of Mass Shootings established by the Gun Violence Archive that reads, “The foundation definition being that they have a minimum of four victims shot, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured in the incident.”
These shootings do not account for many other threats that plague our schools such as violent parents, students and guests; bomb threats; suspicious packages; medical emergencies and more.

The Sandy Hook incident led to the foundation of a number of non-profit organizations who are working towards training against active shooter, providing aid and much more.

Source – Guardian defense


Security guards are meant to safeguard the place and the individuals present there. But are they trained enough to protect the public? Does their training provide a safeguard against the dangers posed by active shooters?

According to Guardian offence, Security Guards are the first set of eyes, and likely the first responders to an emergency at schools, businesses and public areas. Simply because they look the part in their uniform does not mean they are properly trained to protect you or your clients during an incident. When properly trained, they provide a sense of security to their clients and public. According to Gazette News, a security guard in a Denver school was able to take swift action as a first responder and prevent a mass shooting in 2019.

A security guard needs to be vigilant, critical thinker, honest and should possess exceptional communication capabilities.

Source – Guardian Defense


The USA has the highest number of school-related shootings. These shootings are generally categorized into mass shootings as there is always multiple casualties. Lack of family supervision, family dysfunction, mental illness and other psychological issues, easy access to firearms and more are often stated as a cause of the shootings that occur at school or educational premises. In most of the cases it has been recorded that the shooter is either a former or a current student.

Students that are often bullied and threatened sometimes tend to get revengeful leading to these crimes. Even suicidal tendencies, depression and other mental health issues are highly sought after reasons after which the shooter takes such steps.


On November 5, 2017, a gunman perpetrated a mass shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs Church in Texas. In the Sutherland Springs Church Shooting 26 people were killed and other 22 were wounded. The attack is said to be the deadliest of all Texas Active Shootings incidents and the deadliest shooting at an American place of worship. It is the fifth-deadliest of all US shootings.

During the church’s Sunday service, the gunman attacked the Church. The shooting however, is said not to be motivated by any prejudice against religion or racism. However, it was found that the shooter had a history of violent behavior and nobody else was involved in the incident with him. He later on died by suicide by a self-inflicted gun wound, which was after shooting 26 victims.


A mass shooting incident occurred on March 31, 2021, at an office complex in Orange, California, US. Five individuals were mortally wounded and one was critically injured by a gunman. The motive of the perpetrator still remains unknown to the investigating authorities, however, certain linkage of the shooter with few victims are pointing towards a business dispute that eventually turned sour.

The firing had started somewhere around 5:23 p.m. at 202 W. Lincoln Avenue in Orange, California, US. The first call fat 911 was received at around 5:30 p.m. and it took the law enforcing personnel around two minutes to reach the office complex.
The assailant was found critically injured following the shootout between him and the responding officers. The fact that whether he was injured during the shooting or whether it was a self-inflicted wound still remains unclear.


Mass shootings are not something new. They have been terrorizing the United States since decades. Since the first mass murder incident took place on September 5, 1949, the incidents have been covering the USA like a grey cloud. On Labor Day, 1949, Howard Unruh, a WWII veteran, killed 13 people and wounded 3 others. The mass shooting, infamously known as the “Walk of Death” was not the first incident when someone had taken the lives of a number of individuals but this shooting surely struck a chord with the USA as it was publically discussed.

However, there is still no fixed definition for active shooting or mass shooting in the USA, but, the general description of a mass shooting involves the killing of at least 4 individuals or more by a fire arm violence. Since 2011, public mass shootings have been said to increase thrice in occurrence. Easy accessibility to guns and other kinds of arms and ammunitions, the copycat phenomenon or the Columbine effect and more can be easily termed as a possible contributor to this rise.
